Blacksmith Shop

Date and Time of Operation
Every Sunday during the Farmers Flea Market
Every Day of the Annual Spring Show
Every Day of the Annual Steam Show
Saturday and Sunday of Fall Fest
Come and hear how to forge a piece of metal into a work of art, a tool or a usable item. Attend an educational session and learn this old skill for yourself.
The Blacksmith Shop Expansion & Fundraising Project - is currently underway!
The Blacksmith Shop is looking to expand and add on a classroom for the purpose of teaching the artisian trade of blacksmithing to the public.
Donations can be made to the WGHSEA c/o Blacksmith Shop, PO Box 509, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (please note "blacksmith shop" on the check).
Donations may also be made at the Blacksmith Shop during any of our events. During the Annual Steam Show, the Blacksmith shop will feature over 300 items available for purchase.